How to Transform Negative Self-Talk into Positivity for Healing Chronic Disease.

The bad news: Negative self-talk can be very damaging to your health. The good news: You can quickly learn to transform negative self-talk into positive thinking that can actively help you in healing chronic diseases, from diabetes to cancer.
What is negative self-talk?
This is the term for the kind of demeaning, insulting, or belittling internal messages that we give ourselves when we are frustrated by our perceived failings. “I’m so stupid.” “I always mess up.” “Nobody could ever love me.” These messages are so hurtful because they are based on labeling and judgment. They tell you that there is something wrong with you as a person.
When your goal is healing chronic disease, negative self-talk tells you that instead of getting better, you ought to BE a better person. You wouldn’t allow your best friend to talk this way to herself. It’s time to become your own best friend and intervene in negative self-talk. All you have to do is learn to break the pattern and replace negativity with truly healing actions that support you in healing chronic disease.
Remember that healing begins from within, and you have total control over the mindset that is either helping or hurting your chance at optimum health. Begin by simply noticing during the day when you use negative self-talk. Write down what the circumstances were, what you said or thought to yourself that was negative, and how those thoughts made you feel. Then, pick one recurring negative thought and decide how you will turn it around into a healing action. For example, if you have noticed that you think “I’m such a klutz,” use this thought as a cue to notice what you need. The next time you think about being a klutz, stop and say, “What do I need right now?” Maybe it’s a rest break, some water to rehydrate you, or a kind word from a good friend. Then take that healing action.
We think of negative self-talk as “automatic thoughts,” but the truth is that you can break the negative cycle and turn the negative into a positive one. Let your negative thoughts be a signal that it is time for a wellness check-in to find what your body needs right now. And soon, every moment will become a healing moment on your path to healing chronic disease.
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