Last time we talked about summer exercise benefits and we touched on this but I want to focus this morning on tips for exercising safely in the summer especially when the heat is extremely challenging.
Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise.
Consider drinks with electrolytes if you're exercising for prolonged periods. Better yet, include plenty of electrolyte containing foods such as apples oranges et cetera in your diet.
Wear Appropriate Clothing:
Light, breathable, and moisture-wicking fabrics help us stay more comfortable throughout the day. Also, not a bad ideato keep an extra change in the car or even office to make daytime exercise easier and more comfortable.
A wide brim hat and wrap around Polaroid sunglasses can not only protect our eyes better against sun exposure but add visual depth and colors especially when we are on or near water.
Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. We urge you to consider and use regularly non-nano mineral based natural sunscreen to avoid the potential toxicity of sunscreens. Reapply every two hours, or more often if sweating heavily or swimming.
Exercise During Cooler Times:
Consider early morning or late evening when temperatures are lower. Both times can have benefits as long as you are well hydrated and are eating healthy.
Avoid exercising during peak sun hours (10 AM - 4 PM).
Pick your activity wisely:
See your physician first before beginning any significant increase in physical activity especially with any history of diabetes heart disease or other illness. Once you have the green light, remind yourself to start off slowly and gradually increase intensity.
Listen to your body and rest if you feel dizzy or overly fatigued.
Choose Shaded or Indoor Locations:
Parks with trees, shaded trails, or indoor gyms can provide relief from the sun. You may also find these locations far easier to breathe in during heat and humidity.
Consider swimming or at least getting into water for a cooldown as a great summer workout option.
This is not meant to be all inclusive by any means but rather should help serve as a reminder to us all to exercise more caution especially in extreme heat.